The principles on which cFIT is based were substantiated through several in-depth inside-the-firm studies on innovation throughout the entire breadth of Canadian industry. There are seven essential stages in the cFIT process, each of which has several key components that need to be addressed strategically and tactically for ensuring good performance. Neglect of any of these stages in the management process may lead to poor performance.
cFIT uses several proprietary competitive assessment tools and innovation management processes that deliver tangible results across all industry segments and corporate sizes.
BD COHNsulting trains executives and senior innovation managers on business innovation and the use of cFIT methodology for managing it effectively. It works with client companies in the actual application of the methodology, from the enunciation of vision and manageable goals, to the determination of reality-based competitive imperatives, from the organization and resourcing of an innovation portfolio to the actual implementation of innovation projects, from the selection of appropriate metrics to the timely evaluation and adjustment of innovation portfolios, the learning and the continuous nurturing of a culture of innovation and a supporting organization structure.