The major benefits of iCAT assessments to municipalities stem from the fact that iCAT:
- Maps region/country and its municipalities’ positions on evolutionary journey towards being recognized as Smart Communities
- Engages and mobilizes community leaders and key players of all ages and from all parts of the community’s sectors
- Clarifies the vision for the communities
- Prioritizes the areas requiring action for better collaboration and further developments
- Enhances the communities’ strengths with a consensus on where to focus efforts
- Prepares for planning of community economic and social developments on the basis of a shared reality-anchored vision
- Measures progress and enables learning and adjustments for more effective and efficient results
Finally, smart competitiveness is a matter of will, attitude, planning & methodical execution.
BD COHNsulting offers municipalities and regional economic development agencies the best platform and tools for cogent planning and evaluation of their progress on the road to higher competitive intelligence status in the world..